Professor Asle Sudbø, Fysikk, NTNU :
New quantum liquids.
Fordraget blir gitt med bakgrunn i Sudbøs nyleg utkome artikkel i Nature.
Hydrogen is the simplest of atoms, but it hardly constitutes
the simplest of liquids. When liquid hydrogen is subjected to extreme
pressure, it is projected to take up a zero temperature liquid metallic
state comprised of protonic and electronic fermi liquids, which both may
undergo phase transitions to superconducting states. Due to number
conservation of leptons and baryons, such superconducting condensates
will be individually conserved and this leads to completely novel
physics compared to what one observes in multi-component electronic
condensates. One novel feature is the appearance of superfluid modes
arising out of charged condensates. The talk will describe the
resulting physics in both zero and finite magnetic field.