Utvalde publikasjoner av Kristian Fossheim
"Microstructure and flux distribution in both pure and
superconductors", Sun-Li Huang, M.R. Koblischka,
K. Fossheim T.W Ebbesen, T.H. Johansen, Physica C 311, 172-186
"Logarithmic current density dependence of the activation
barrier in superconducting
S.Gjølmesli, K. Fossheim, Y.R. Sun, and J. Schwartz,
Phys. Rev B52, No 14,10447 (1995).
"Resistive quantum oscillations in superconducting aluminum
microstructures", I.N. Zhilyaev, I.A. Sosnin, P. Tuset,
K. Fossheim, Phys. Rev. B 54, No 14, 9658, (1996).
"Enhanced flux pinning in
superconductor with embedded carbon nanotubes",
K. Fossheim, E.D. Tuset, T.W. Ebbesen, M.M.J. Treacy,
J. Schwartz, Physica C 248, 195-202, (1995).
"The AC magnetic response of
Yba2Cu3O7 with
Y2BaCuO5 inclusions and of single-rystal
Yba2Cu3O7. A comparative
study", M.G. Karkut, M. Slaski, L.K. Heill,
L.T. Sagdahl, K. Fossheim, Physica C 215, 19-33, (1993).
"Structural phase transition in
La2-x(Ba,Sr)xCuO4-y and related
physical properties", Wu Ting, K. Fossheim, Phys. Rev.
B 48, No 22, 16751, (1993).
"Ca-induced phase transition at 150 K in
single-phase high-Tc superconducting material",
Wu Ting, O.-M. Nes, T. Suzuki, M.G. Karkut, K. Fossheim, Phys
Rev. B 48, No 1, 607, (1993).
"Contribution to specific heat and electrical conductivity
of Yba2Cu3O7-d from fluctuations",
T. Laegreid, P. Tuset, M.-O. Nes, M. Slaski, K. Fossheim,
Physica C 162-164, 490-491, (1989).
"Wide temperature instability in high-Tc
K. Fossheim, T. Laegreid. E. Sandvold , F. Vassenden, K.A.
Müller, J.B. Bednorz, Solid State Comm. 63, No 6,
531-533, (1987).
"Electromagnetic attenuation of shear waves near
Tc in aluminium", N.T. Opheim, K. Fossheim,
International Conference on Phonon Scattering, Paris 1972, Service
de Documentation du CEN Saclay, 1972 p 193-198
"Electromagnetic attenuation of shear waves in
superconductors", K. Fossheim, B. Torvatn, Jour. Of Low
Temp. Phys. 1, No 4, 341-354, (1969).
"Electromagnetic shear-wave interaction in a
superconductor", K. Fossheim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 19,
No 2, 81-85, (1967)
Artikkelforfattar: Professor
Kristian Fossheim, NTNU