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NEVR3010 Introduction to Neuroscience
Koordinator: Professor Arne Valberg
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Til topp

How does the brain work?    How do we experience the world through our senses?  Do we use words when we think?   Why do we dream?   What is the relation between the brain and the concious?

The course deals with neural models for hearing, olfaction, vision, and the relationship between brain and consciousness. The focus is on functional relationships and on the impact of the physical environment on the development and formation of the nervous system. The effects of these processes on memory
and learning will be emphasised.

The course, which includes a student project, gives 5 credits at the 300 level. It may serve as a graduate course in disciplines such as biology, electronics, informatics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, technical cybernetics, or as support for dr. ing. studies.

  The lecturers come from several different faculties. They share a common interest in studying the brain and neural systems in order to further our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms for perception and learning.

Course details (in Norwegian):

Arne Valberg
Department of Physics
Phone 73 59 83 73.
E-mail: arne.valberg@phys.ntnu.no

Redaktør: Instituttleder , Kontaktadresse: webmaster@phys.ntnu.no
Sist oppdatert: 27.10.2004