A GTC spectroscopic study of three spider pulsar companions: line-based temperatures, a new face-on redback, and improved mass constraints
Simpson, Jordan A.; Linares, Manuel; Casares, Jorge; and 3 coauthors
2025 Jan, MNRAS, 536, 2169 -
The Orbit and Companion of PSR J1622-0315: Variable Asymmetry and a Massive Neutron Star
Sen, Bidisha; Linares, Manuel; Kennedy, Mark R.; and 6 coauthors
2024 Oct, ApJ, 973, 121 -
To Be or Not To Be: The Role of Rotation in Modeling Galactic Be X-Ray Binaries
Rocha, Kyle Akira; Kalogera, Vicky; Doctor, Zoheyr; and 11 coauthors
2024 Aug, ApJ, 971, 133 -
The extreme coronal line emitter AT 2022fpx: varying optical polarization properties and late-time X-ray flare
Koljonen, Karri I. I.; Liodakis, Ioannis; Lindfors, Elina; and 8 coauthors
2024 Jul, MNRAS, 532, 112 -
Galaxy group-associated distances to very high energy gamma-ray emitting BL Lacs KUV 00311-1938 and S2 0109+22
Koljonen, Karri I. I.; Lindfors, Elina; Nilsson, Kari; and 2 coauthors
2024 Jul, MNRAS, 531, 5084 -
The invisible black widow PSR J1720-0534: implications for the electron density towards the North Polar Spur
Koljonen, K. I. I.; Lindseth, S. S.; Linares, M.; and 2 coauthors
2024 Mar, MNRAS, 529, 575 -
A Gaia view of the optical and X-ray luminosities of compact binary millisecond pulsars
Koljonen, Karri I. I.; Linares, Manuel
2023 Nov, MNRAS, 525, 3963 -
Quantifying irradiation in spider pulsars: the extreme case of PSR J1622-0315
Turchetta, Marco; Linares, Manuel; Koljonen, Karri; and 1 coauthor
2023 Oct, MNRAS, 525, 2565 -
The contribution of unresolved sources on the gamma-ray spectrum of molecular clouds
Vecchiotti, Vittoria; Peron, Giada; Pagliaroli, Giulia; and 1 coauthor
2023 Sep, EPJWC, 280, 09004 -
Optical polarization from colliding stellar stream shocks in a tidal disruption event
Liodakis, I.; Koljonen, K. I. I.; Blinov, D.; and 9 coauthors
2023 May, Sci, 380, 656 -
Axisymmetric smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics
García-Senz, D.; Wissing, R.; Cabezón, R. M.; and 2 coauthors
2023 Jan, MNRAS, 518, 4115 -
Gamma-ray observations of MAXI J1820+070 during the 2018 outburst
Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Acciari, V. A.; and 441 coauthors
2022 Dec, MNRAS, 517, 4736 -
The Neutron Star Population in M28: A Joint Chandra/GBT Look at Pulsar Paradise
Vurgun, Eda; Linares, Manuel; Ransom, Scott; and 7 coauthors
2022 Dec, ApJ, 941, 76 -
Mid-IR detection of GX 339-4 with VLT/VISIR, and upcoming JWST observation
Russell, David M.; Gandhi, Poshak; Alabarta, Kevin; and 18 coauthors
2022 Sep, ATel, 15596, 1 -
Discovery of optical and infrared accretion disc wind signatures in the black hole candidate MAXI J1348-630
Panizo-Espinar, G.; Armas Padilla, M.; Muñoz-Darias, T.; and 11 coauthors
2022 Aug, A&A, 664, A100 -
New Chandra insights into the neutron star population of M28
Vurgun, Eda; Linares, Manuel; Bogdanov, Slavko; and 1 coauthor
2022 Jul, cosp, 44, 2386 -
Pulsar winds and accretion flows in compact binary MSPs
Linares, Manuel; Kachelriess, Michael; Wijnands, Rudy; and 2 coauthors
2022 Jul, cosp, 44, 2372 -
The peculiar chemical abundance of the transitional millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038 - Li enhancement
Shahbaz, T.; González-Hernández, J. I.; Breton, R. P.; and 3 coauthors
2022 Jun, MNRAS, 513, 71 -
X-ray variability of transitional millisecond pulsars: a faint, stable, and fluctuating disc
Linares, Manuel; De Marco, Barbara; Wijnands, Rudy; and 1 coauthor
2022 Jun, MNRAS, 512, 5269 -
Wind suppression by X-rays in Cygnus X-3
Vilhu, O.; Kallman, T. R.; Koljonen, K. I. I.; and 1 coauthor
2021 May, A&A, 649, A176
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