Contact Information
Principal Investigators:
Prof. Bjørn Torger Stokke
Department of Physics
Høgskoleringen 5
N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
tel. +47 73593434
Assoc. Prof. Marit Sletmoen
Department of Physics
Høgskoleringen 5
N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
tel. +47 73593463
Biological polymers: Collaborations
- Pawel Sikorski, NTNU, Group of Bionanotechnology
- NOBIPOL - BT Stokke is one of the PI of the Norwegian Biopolymer Laboratory research group.
- The AFM instruments established within the group are an integral part of national platform in molecular imaging NORMIC
- NTNU Nanolab
- Prof. Shinichi Kitamura, Osaka Prefecture University , Sakai, Japan
- Prof. Catherine Picart , Laboratoire des Matériaux et de Génie Physique, Grenoble, France