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TFY4195_lab Optics
Lab. teacher:   Professor Ole Johan Løkberg

Spring 2006

From January 10. - 4 p.m you can sign up for the lab.course TFY4195 Optics by entering   Registration   in the course Home Page. The registration will be closed on January 17. 12 p.m. After dead-line you might contact lab. teacher Ole J. Løkberg, ole.lokberg@ntnu.no directly. The registration procedure is reasonably self-explanatory if you read Norwegian - if not - try to get help from other students. If you get completely stuck with the registration programme contact: Lars Erik Walle, walle@stud.ntnu.no

The lab opens for 6 x 2 student in each group session, if only 1 or 2 students sign up for a session we might move them to another session (after first contacting the students).
We encourage English speaking students to sign up for the same session(s) if possible as experience has shown that this makes the class instruction more efficient.

The lab takes place in weeks 4 (excercise O.1) - 6 (O.2) - 11 (O.3) and 17 (O.4) (the weeks starting with January 23., February 6., March 13. and April 24.)

The lab.texts can be downloaded from the course Home Page (hit Exercises in the left margin, but note that the final versions of the texts will not be ready until January 16. due to corrections).

Weekly time schedule for the exercises
Group Lab.time  
1, 2, 3 Monday 09-12,  12-15,  15-18
4, 5, 6 Wednesday 09-12,  12-15,  15-18
7, 8, 9 Thursday 09-12,  12-15,  15-18

Lab.teacher and instructors:
Name e-mail
Ole J. Løkberg ole.lokberg@ntnu.no
Eirik Glimsdal eirikg@stud.ntnu.no
Frantz Stabo-Eeg frantz@stud.ntnu.no

Editor: Head of Dept. , Contact address: webmaster@phys.ntnu.no
Last update: 12.01.2006