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TFY4295 Atmospheric Physics
Lecturer: Professor Berit Kjeldstad

Spring 2005


Weekly: Spring:  4F + 1Ø + 7S = 7,5Vt
Lectures/exercises: Mon 10-12 in Room E4-103, Tue 10-12 in Room E3-103
Gradeing:  A - F
Compolsury activities:  Project

Objective: The course will be a first introduction to atmospheric physics, with emphasis on transmisjon of solar radiation and thermal balance, cloud formation and stratitification.
Prerequisites: Basic physics courses corresponding to one year study in physics at university/college level.
Description: The following topics are discussed: Composition and structure of the atmosphere; thermodynamic processes and stability. Scattering, absorption and transmission of solar and thermal radiation; dependence on aerosols, clouds and other variable components; greenhouse and climate effects. Spectral measurements of atmospheric radiation; polarisation effects; monochromators, detectors and standards; general characterisation of spectroradiometers; measurement errors.
Lecturers and project: The lectures will be given in English if needed. The project is compulsory and count 20% to the final result. The project can be experimental or theoretical, an oral presentation is given at the end to the class.
Reading material: Murry L. Salby. Atmospheric physics, Academic press 1996

Mode of evaluation:                
  Part of evaluation:   Date   Time   Count.part   Aid
  ORAL EXAMINATION           80/100    
  PROJECT WORK           20/100    

Oral examination dates to be set week 5.

Editor: Head of Dept. , Contact address: webmaster@phys.ntnu.no
Last update: 19.01.05