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Hvis du ønsker å prøve deg som forsker er dette perfekt for deg! Du får muligheten til å arbeide med vitenskapelig ansatte sine prosjekter på egenhånd. Prosjektene varierer mye, fra numerisk analyse til å reprodusere eksperimentelle forsøk. Dette er en ypperlig måte å bruke og videreutvikle kunnskapen du lærer i emnene på instituttet. Det er også en super forberedelse til prosjekt- og masteroppgave.

Ledig stilling hos prosjekt Schrødinger

Vacant position for project Schrødinger

Aktive utlysninger

Her publiseres nye prosjekter fortløpende.

Software integration of laser systems

The nonlinear optical microscopy laboratory is used to study nonlinear optical phenomena in different materials, primarily for biomedical applications. To generate a nonlinear optical response in materials pulsed lasers with very short pulse durations (about 100 fs) are used... Show more

Announced: 24.09.20

Real‐World Simulations of Antiferromagnetic Nanostructures

We are looking for two motivated students with completed bachelor’s degree in physics, nanotechnology, electronic engineering and/or material science. The candidates should be experienced in Python programming, ... Show more

Announced: 16.09.20

Wave scattering from disordered surfaces

When an electromagnetic wave interacts with a disordered surface, so-called speckle patterns result. Such patterns have fascinating statistical properties and ... Show more

Announced: 05.02.20

Utlysning TEM: Programming/data processing

In this project a student will apply, further refine or rewrite to a tutorial Juypter notebooks for the analysis of transmission electron microscopy data. Through the project you will become familiar with using open-source... Show more.

Announced: 09.02.21

Enzyme conjugation for enhanced adsorption

The goal of this project was to conjugate lysozyme and alginate using a process called the Maillard reaction... Show more.

Characterization of PAMAM-peptide Conjugates

.Gel electrophoresis is a widely used tool in biophysics, as it is a relative simple technique capable of characterizing size and/or charge of biomolecules... Show more.

br>Announced: 09.02.21

Modeling of intrinsically disordered proteins in a crowded environment

In this work we study the coupling between the ionization and the con-formational properties of two IDPs... Show more.

br>Announced: 09.02.21

Tidligere prosjekter

Her kan du lese om tidligere forskningsprosjekter.

Electron propagation

Student: Jacob Benestad

Supervisor: Michael Kachelriess

See project description.

See project report.

Enzyme Conjugation for Enhanced Adsorption

Student: Michael Robert Kelly

Supervisor: Rita Dias

See project description.

See project report.

Mer informasjon